Friday, November 4, 2011

New Studio

I recently moved back to Lawrence and into a house with a shed that is big enough to use as a studio. It wasn't the reason we decided to live there, but when I realized I would have the space all to myself I was pretty excited. I swept out the dust and spider webs and this is what I got.

One benefit of having a studio in a garage, that I didn't anticipate, is having unexpected visitors from the wilderness. I don't know any bee keepers, so I can't claim to have planned this, but I tried to take advantage.


  1. How did you get such solid backgrounds??? And what luck with the bee!!!

    1. The background is just white seamless paper lit by a gelled umbrella. You can get a similar look with a bare bulb but I wanted to try and get the color as even as possible to all the corners. Another option would be buying a bunch of different paper colors, but this is cheaper.
